Latest news from the village and our various projects
Continue reading “Update June 2018”Author: Yaw Asare
We are hopeful of a huge harvest this year. Our cultivated maize is entering the maturity period and soon we will harvest. We plan to grow more before the raining season ends. If all works out, we will have maize twice this year.
Continue reading “More to come”We are happy to announce today one of our biggest and significant achievements in 2017: the Sunday Morning Woman (SMW) Project. It’s is a community-based project focused on giving young teenage mothers and school dropout a second chance of learning a skill for their personal development.
Continue reading “Sunday Morning Woman Project”The last six months has yielded us a lot to be proud of, and we have achieved a lot through the continuous support of our sponsors and coworkers.
Continue reading “Progress Report”Advent greetings to all our supporters and followers! Christmas is here again and the happy moments are back.
Continue reading “Happy Holidays”A team of 12 from Nkwaa-fie e.V., Nordhorn-Germany visited the children village last week to witness the huge growth and rapid development at the childrens’ village project including the completion stage of our new educational center which comprises of a library, computer center and offices.
Continue reading “Nkwadaafie Team Visit Children Village”