LoszuGhana is a non-governmental organisation in based in Ghana. Established in 2008, the organisation’s primary goal is to promote intercultural exchange and support humanity. What unites us is a high commitment to working with the poor and vulnerable people in many communities in Ghana. We believe we can make an impact and a more peaceful world and a prosperous place – together.
The way from dream to reality
We have acquired a 4-acre estate in Adwampong, Kumasi, Ghana; in close vicinity to the Lake Bosumtwi. This is a community perfectly suited to the realization of our project. The inhabitants of the village have welcomed us heartily, and the children who live in the village will be able to go to school in Adwampong itself. We plan to acquire an additional area of land for agricultural purposes. To realise this dream a few more milestones lay ahead.

»We strongly believe it is education and family that is pivotal to the success of our project.«
Education is acknowledged to be the basis of all societies, essential to the global competitiveness of national economies. It denotes reduction of poverty and inequality. Education is also fundamental to improving the health of a society`s citizens. In addition, it allows for the implementation of new technologies as well as the construction of and wider access to information.
Family, along with schooling, lays the cornerstone of a civilized society and culture. Every human-being needs intimacy with another and a shelter, that is a home. The family helps the youth learn about and develop values and respect in a protected environment. Especially small children require a great deal of security in order to get a decent start into life and to form a strong backbone for their adult lives. Education and family: This is what we intend to offer orphans and socially disadvantaged children.
Ghana enjoys a high level of education. In fact, students from all over Africa travel here to acquire a higher education degree. This is not only due to the efforts of the government in the area of education, though. In order to be able to belong to the privileged circle of university students, the youth need a considerable deal of luck and well-off parents. Without the availability of the latter or another sort of a financer, it will be very difficult to complete a higher education. For orphans and socially excluded children, the chances are slim that they benefit from even basic education, let alone higher education. They have to earn their living just to be able to afford such basics as food, clothes and a shelter. This is a vicious circle almost impossible to break out of. The absence of an educational background, that is some capital to rely on, means that very few manage to get out of this spiral.