A good education can open many doors in a child’s future life. And a very crucial part of education is knowing how to read and write well. In my last six months in the LoszuGhana Children’s Village and the Old Adwampong Community School I recognized that many children here don’t t́ have that ability yet.
So I wanted to do something about it. My idea was to develop a reading club in school. I did a lot of research in how to teach children how to read in the best way and then presented my idea to the headmaster. He liked it very much, so some weeks later two other volunteers and me could start the reading club.
We divided the children from class one to six in four different groups according to their level of reading. We want nobody to feel left out because they cannot keep up or get bored.
The first lessons were not easy because we had to get to know the children and their abilities. But after some weeks we found a good routine and could see first improvements with some children. For that reason the teachers also wanted to learn about the method we are using. So I explained it to them and gave them some materials that they can also use the method in their normal lessons besides the reading club. Reading is not working without books.
This is why I went to Kumasi to buy some reading books for different levels. But things turned out different… When I told the publisher where I went to buy the books about our reading club in the school, he donated more than 200 books for us! It was overwhelming and I can’t express how thankful we are. At this place I want to say “Medase paaa!” to Boisons Publications Limited for so much kindness.
With so many new books we had every reason to finally open the library. So we cleaned the room and put the books into the shelfs. In the next weeks we want to arrange the room nicely with posters and other things that a nice atmosphere for learning and playing can be created.
The children in the Children’s Village already like the new library very much and we are looking forward that very soon more children from the surrounding villages can come here to read.
By Friederike