We are happy to announce today one of our biggest and significant achievements in 2017: the Sunday Morning Woman (SMW) Project. It’s is a community-based project focused on giving young teenage mothers and school dropout a second chance of learning a skill for their personal development.
Through this project, young ladies are able to learn different set of skills through persistent and hands on training by professional. Until now, we have taught 9 participants how to make basic domestic household products such as liquid soap, shampoo, cookies and bread through the SMW Project.
SMW is still in the pilot stage and the first session of training for our 9 participants ended in August 2017. This was followed by a performance review to improve different aspect of the training and skills learning process.
Our participants comprising of 5 young girls from the villages( Adunku and Adwumam) and our 4 foster care-giver at the children village were the first to benefit. They found the project very productive and feels empowered to have learned new set of skills within a short period of time at no cost. The second session is scheduled to commence in this month October. New participants have already been shortlisted and are undergoing screening session to ensure that we select those who really need the support. This project currently has 2 major advantages, whiles we support and empower young teenage mothers and school dropouts, the children’s village project enjoys the benefits from the products from the project. It is our plan to move the projects to a higher altitude by getting our products registered for commercials sales which will also be income generation asset for support our charity project LoszuGhana Children’s Village and income for our participants.
As the saying goes “ every clouds has a silver lining”- our young participants consider this as the opportunity take over their lives again and be self-dependent. They are happy to be able to make on their own hair and body cream, liquid dish washing soap, bread and cookies. And we are happy to make this happened but of course its always possible through the continuous support of you as our sponsors and supporters. We shall forever remain grateful.