Useful things on site

Health and safety information

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, we all know how important it is to have reliable health and safety information. Our team in Ghana is always vigilant, but we recommend that you regularly check the website of your home country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs or your country’s local/responsible embassy in Ghana. For example, applicants from Germany can access the official »Safe Travel« app. We also recommend that German volunteers register on the ELEFAND crisis management list to be included in the German Foreign Office’s crisis management measures.

Your health is very important. In case of serious illness or accident, you will be accompanied or taken to a medical facility by a trusted person from the project or a member of Loszughana. We strongly recommend that you take out international health and accident insurance, including repatriation, to cover you in the event of an emergency.

Power supply and Internet

Ghana’s electricity supply has improved in recent years. However, there are still frequent power cuts in certain areas, which can sometimes be quite lengthy. We recommend that you bring a torch and a power bank. You can easily buy a Ghanaian SIM card and use it to get an internet bundle or, if necessary, an internet stick for your laptop. The projects do not have free wifi, this is not common in Ghana.

Water supply

Some of our projects have running water in the house, while others have access to water (tap or well) on the site or nearby. Tap and well water is suitable for showering and washing clothes, but not for drinking. Clean drinking water will be provided for you by the project/host family.

Mosquito and sun protection

In a tropical country like Ghana, encounters with mosquitoes and intense sunlight are inevitable. It is advisable to bring a mosquito net and sunscreen. There is no need to be afraid, but caution is advised.

Continue reading »Costs«

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